Android Menu Logo VS Iphone Menu Logo Difference Thinking

Android Menu Logo VS Iphone Menu Logo Difference Thinking

Android Menu Logo

Now a days in the telecommunication industry some phone companies has changed the definition of mobile phone device.It's a revolutionary changed in this industry.Mainly it's a war between iphone vs android.Today i will discuss about iphone menu logo vs android menu logo.

Basically Android is a open source platform.Here many developer works with their own creativity.Android mainly is a operating system.So, all android phone company use this as a operating system and for other options like menu logo different company use different menu logo.It changed all time.Some developers also design custom logo for every menu logo.As it is a open source platform it also support variety of custom logo.Some theme developer also changed this menu logo.It's all about android menu logo.

Iphone Menu Logo

Iphone is a brand name.And it's operating is IOS.IOS is not a open source platform.So, in this sector working and expert developer are few.They can't modify or change the iphone menu logo.

Iohone is a brand and it has established worldwide.So, Iphone company set their operating system limited and only used this operating system for their own phone company.They have selected those menu logo from their beginning journey.Their each and every menu logo is also a brand.Every iphone lover also loves these menu logo.They don't want menu logo modification.It support theme but can't change menu logo.It's all about iphone menu logo.

At the end of this discussion we saw that two different phone operating system that ruled the phone device kingdom now.But One has modification power other has not.So, this argument will remain that iphone or android which menu logo is best.

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