Display Menu Difference Between Iphone and Android You Notice
Display Menu Difference Between Iphone and Android You Notice
Iphone and Android Display Difference
As we talked before in our previous post that mobile phone is now a essential part of our life.We can't live without it.The more days past every thing is now under internet.So, to capture internet we use computer and mobile phone device.But for easy carrying and costing people now choose mobile device for their first choice.It is the era of modern technology.For mobile phone device people choose either Iphone or Android phone.Here we will see the display difference between Iphone and Android.
So, here we can see that firstly the brightness.Iphone brightness is so crystal clear that we look the menu icon from far away.But for android here we have taken samsung for difference cause it is the best now in the android market.As a result of crystal clear iphone can see clearly in daylight.But Android phone is look glow in daylight.
Another issue is that iphone menu icon is so big and clear that we can quickly navigate and touch the right icon.
But For Android menu icon are very small and sometimes we touch the wrong icon and can't find the right icon quickly.
The last issue is that iphone has a only one button called home button.But android has 1 button and 2 Navigation touch panel.It works like exit and back button.
At last we can say that at this stage especially for screen matter Iphone is ahead of android devices.💙
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